Thursday, 16 June 2011

10 more days

After ten (10) more days....
  • I will be leaving my current job, and back to the world of freedom. continue lenggang relax for my life.For some people it's somekind of mean to wasting life. well, I would like to enjoy my leisurely day as much as possible, as much as till I couldn't.take it anymore. (of course I will try to look for something to do as well)

  • my intimate friend, but also my playmate, is going to continue her journey. Means I have to find another outing buddy.

  • my lovely sista coming back.
her turning mean some kind of bittersweet to me.The joy of course would be I can be with my lovely sista for certain period. and then we can hang out,gossip,chilling together (provided that she has time to spend for me.I'm strongly suspected that she will be fully book for her fellow friendssssssss
but the cons would be I have less private space in my house! I cannot enjoy my personal time when my mum outing with friend. There would be someone there accompany me.(it should be pro instead of con right?

sometime I would like to have my own tranquil also!
unless she is outing as well.(quite high for the chances)


And ~and ~ and ~
I'm going to meet with my close close friend in kl~
but this program haven't settle yet.still in the progress.hmm.

10 more days~10 more days~so looking forward to it!


  1. xoxo~ ur playmate will be back on 3/8 ^^
    im heading out liao~ bye~

  2. I'm pretty sure I will miss u.hehe
